Recent Success Cases

Fraser Valley TigerFloc Success Case

Using 2 floc belts and a dewatering bag, our client was able to bring turbid water from 100 NTU down to 7 NTU, which funnels into a fish-bearing water course. An excellent showcase of what our products can do with a simple setup for your construction or industrial site. Get in touch and let us help you with your water treatment needs.

Residential Construction

A tandem Tigerfloc Kit setup treating construction water in the winter during a Significant Rainfall Event while construction crews completed new stormwater pond construction as part of a residential construction project in Surrey, BC.

Commercial and Industrial Development

Our Floc Systems tanks and loose granular flocculant are at work treating surface water runoff on a 30-acre commercial development site in Abbotsford, BC. Water quality was discharged directly into an adjacent stream/wetland, so clean water quality was critical!

Agricultural Development

Floc Systems tanks, loose granular flocculant and Tigerfloc belts at work to treat surface water as part of a 100 acre agricultural development project, in the Township of Langley, BC. Water was collected in an engineered storm water pond, pre-treated with a dose of loose floc and further treated through a series of Tigerfloc belts and hose, prior to discharge directly into an adjacent stream system.